Our Story

A message from our Founders, Ben & Jade Bower
Welcome to my Stinkbug family! I am really excited about our rebrand and vision moving forward! Ben’s and my journey began in our kitchen in 2011 when I became pregnant with our first child. My man and I found ourselves on a journey to create a high-end, all-natural deodorant with limited ingredients that worked and was cost-efficient, though I was most certainly leading the charge.
However, once Josiah was born, I handed the Stinkbug keys over to Ben so I could stay at home to raise our burgeoning brood. With Ben’s BIG brains and even BIGGER MUSCLES, he took Stinkbug to the next level. Ben and I always knew that LIFE DOESN’T STINK, but we decided to FINALLY bring to the forefront what has driven and motivated us to KEEP GOING: That the world needs to know why LIFE DOESN’T STINK!
Over the past few months we have really nailed down why we exist.
“We exist to increase hope in the world: a hope that kids grow up well; a hope that families are supported; and a hope that communities are restored…Oh, and a hope that our underarms smell nice in the most natural way possible.”
So…this purpose statement is the backbone behind our packaging. We love how the packaging now shows the support for other people in our world and the hope that is so important for all mankind. Ben and I believe that family is TOP PRIORITY and we are passionate about turning our communities into hope canopies.
We do this by:
- Creating a culture of HOPE, SERVANTHOOD and GOOD MUSIC in the workplace
- Partnering and serving with Light of Life Rescue Mission. A Pittsburgh, PA based ministry that provides homes for the homeless and food for the hungry
- Donating a percentage of profits towards Urban Impact Foundation, a non-profit organization on the Northside of Pittsburgh that invests in the lives of at-risk children, youth and families…
- Holding regular small group meetings at Stinkbug’s office for the community
- Donating free products to individuals with cancer.
- Bringing hope, color and life to a category that could use a jolt of fun and electricity.
Stin kbug does not just celebrate our effective all natural and non-GMO deodorant ingredient list. Oh no! We get excited about the opportunities of tangibly bringing hope through a stick of deodorant, because in the grand scheme of things…We get to keep what we give away!!!!!